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The overall objective of the “Building Efforts for Children on the Move in Europe through Systemic change, Facilitation & Expertise (BECOME Safe)” project is to improve the protection of migrant children and young people victims or at risk of violence, and uphold their rights to assistance and quality victims care in the European Union.

To achieve this, the project deploys three complementary strategies to promote systemic and sustainable improvements in the protection of children and youth on the move in Greece, Belgium, Italy and Spain.It does so through working hand in hand with children and young people themselves, as well as professionals in contact with them. Amongst the latter, the project specifically targets:

  • Professionals in contact with children and young people on the move in reception centers and other accommodation services (such as social workers, NGO staff, etc.)

  • Professionals in contact with children and young people victims of violence or at risk as part of national child protection services / victims support services.


To address systematic knowledge gaps amongst individuals and institutions responsible for their protection, the project will build the capacity of professionals working with migrant children and youth victims or potential victims of violence, as well as other ‘mainstream professionals’ and child protection systems delivering victims support services’ so they can better serve the special needs of migrant children.


The development of child protection protocols and referral mechanisms will be key to promote quality child-friendly services and a “culture of protection” over time.

The project will ensure 1,300 migrant children and youth victims or potential victims of violence are more aware of their right to protection and available support services, and 580 relevant professionals in contact with migrant children and youth victims of violence or at risk of violence have enhanced capacity and knowledge to deliver quality, tailored and specialized victims support services to migrant children and youth.

Key project activities include:

  • 4 national consultations and youth-led peer-to-peer information campaigns

  • the design of a European training curriculum and guidance on how to improve prevention and referrals of victims to child protection and support services

  • the training of 580 professionals to enhance their capacity, and that of the organizations or centers they work in

  • Training to children and youth on the move so as to become youth facilitators

  • the coordination and exchange of learning and best practices between stakeholders as part of national concerted strategies. The tools and results from the project will be disseminated and promoted throughout Europe, through a targeted strategy and with the support of the ChildHub platform, as well as DCI’s Europe Regional Desk represented by the World Service Foundation (DCI-WS).

In Greece more particularly :

 The overall objective of the BECOME Safe Project in Greece was the provision of a due response to the protection needs of children and youth on the move, who have experienced institutional / structural violence when in contact with the Justice system, particularly with the asylum and reception procedures.

 To this aim, we worked hand in hand with children themselves, as well as, the professionals who work in the child protection field.


Defence for Children International Belgium – DCI Belgium as project lead

Defence for Children International – DCI Greece

Defence for Children International Italy – DCI Italy

Defence for Children International Spain – DCI Spain

Defence for Children International-World Service (DCI-WS)

Ordine assistenti Sociali Regione Liguria – CROAS Liguria

Terre des hommes Regional Hub for Europe – Tdh Hungary




The BECOME Safe project is supported by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020).

The content of this web page represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.

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Video created by the Youth Facilitators

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