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#dont_leavethekidsalone Hashtag Campaign




Ahmad 15 years old. A Moria survivor who is now in an extensive rehabilitation program wants to let you know: 



"Refugee children have a very hard life.

Their nightmare starts with the smugglers, they do all kinds of tortures to them. They force them to carry drugs, in their stomach or any other way, telling them they will kill their families. When they arrive in Greece, they face terrible conditions. They don’t have food, clothing, or a single bed to sleep and rest. Older men take advantage of the vulnerable children, forcing them to have sex. They take naked pictures of them, in order to blackmail. In Moria camp, Lesvos, this is an everyday phenomenon. Little children cannot sleep at night because they are terrified that they are going to get molested. Other children cannot get any sleep, they are waiting for a single call from their parents, who are far away. No money for food, children have forced sex with men for a few coins.

It’s hell!"



Unaccompanied minors in Moria Camp are wondering whether Europe can hear them and rescue them from this hell. 


They ask YOU ! "Can you hear me?"


Be part of this campaign and Let children know that you hear them!  Let European leaders know that, we the people we do care!


DCI GREECE launched on October 4th its Hashtag Campaign I can hear you with the hashtag #dont_leavethekidsalone.

Hundreds of people have already participated!


Be a part of this media campaign by sharing our posts on Facebook and Instagram, adding the phrase I can hear you along with the hashtag #dont_leavethekidsalone


See more:            


Facebook Page:


Instagram Page: defenceforchildrengr


It is time to take action! Spread the message!










The Context


More than 12.000 people amongst  them thousands of children are trapped  in the, already overcrowded, Moria Camp, exposed to hazardous conditions for their health and overall protection.In particular, unaccompanied minors, due to the lack of adequate space, are forced to sleep on the floor in outrageous conditions. They are unable to access medical and psychosocial care, while being exposed to serious risks to their physical and mental health. Daily, unaccompanied children are becoming victims of sexual exploitation and harassment, while the majority of them suffer from emotional disorders and have attempted suicide. Some of them go  missing in unknown destinations and under unknown circumstances.


EU Member States have recognized their extreme vulnerability and have taken responsibility to protect them in practice, by ensuring that their vulnerability does not deprive them of the dignified life they deserve. However, in reality, children are the victims of the European immigration policies that while being implemented have given rise to such horrible living conditions on the Greek islands. The systematic failure of meeting the peculiar needs of these children coupled with their exposition to the existing living conditions in the various Sections of Moria Camp, aggravates their already unstable psychological state and heightens the risk of triggering additional acts of despair.


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