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Human Rights Academy

Law Bar Association, 12 May 2018

Since 2018, more than 450 officials, professionals, and students have been supported by our Human Rights Academy.

Our Human Rights Academy provides legal expertise, advice, and workshops to lawyers, legal advisers, and other professionals from the third sector. More particularly, we have been delivering comprehensive training and workshops to social workers, child protection officers, migration officers, and staff in accommodation facilities, camps, and the third sector.

Participants engage in a blend of academic study and experiential learning, where they not only learn about emergency response on the ground but also receive methodologies and toolkits. This hands-on approach, combined with necessary theoretical foundations, ensures a well-rounded and practical education, demonstrating our expertise in training delivery.

Our main themes include:

  • The Convention on the Rights of the Child as a guiding tool in our daily work

  • Trauma - Informed Approach when working with vulnerable populations

  • Child protection Case management

  • Refugee Law and Asylum Procedures

  • Our role as professionals to watchdog and limit institutional violence against children

  • Child Safeguarding and Child Protection in Emergencies,

  •  the Well being of children rights' professionals


*If you are interested in participating or would like to have more information on any of these trainings, please call us on 0030 211413664 or send us an email at


'Thank you a lot!! We are looking forward to more trainings!!' Law Graduate

'The training was very important and deepened our knowledge of dublin regulation.' Humanitarian Worker

'The course was excellent. The information provided + the examples were a good tool to better challenge possible rejections related to family reunification under Dublin III Regulation.' Lawyer

'It was a really thorough and clear presentation. I also appreciate the fact that in the end we reflected upon some issues, and that the speakers answered all of our questions.' Social Worker

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